Agenda item

2023 Annual Pay Negotiations

Report of the Chief People Officer.


Members considered a report of the Chief People Officer.


The committee noted that pay negotiations were undertaken within the budget envelope which would be agreed by the Court of Common Council.


The committee noted that associated work being undertaken by the consulting firm, Korn Ferry, would be reported back to the April 2023 meeting of the committee.


RESOLVED – that the committee


  • Delegate to the Employer Side Members of the Employee Joint Consultative Committee, the authority to negotiate and agree with the trade unions, the annual pay award due on 1 July 2023.
  • Delegate to the Employer Side Members of the Senior Management Joint Consultative Committee, the authority to consult and determine the annual pay award due on 1 July 2023.
  • Note that that the parameters for any pay settlement that can be agreed by this committee are that it must be affordable and not exceed the overall financial envelope for pay which has been set by the Court of Common Council for the financial year 2023/24.
  • Note that the committee will receive regular reports on the progress of negotiations and consultation.

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