Agenda item

GW5: Pedestrian Priorities Streets Programme - Phase 1

Report of the Executive Director Environment.


To be read in conjunction with appendices 1-9, circulated by separate addendum.


The Sub Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Environment, regarding phase one of the Pedestrian Priorities Streets Programme.


The Sub Committee discussed the budget for the programme and related works, noting that staffing costs indicated the salaries of staff whose working week consisted of a portion of time spent working on the programme. In response to questions, officers clarified that a lack of project work would lead to the deletion of posts or reallocation of staff but that the staffing costs were shared with the Sub Committee to illustrate the true costs of programmes.

RESOLVED, that the Sub Committee:

1.     Approve the adjustment of the existing Phase 1 budget of £2,402,628 (including Costed Risk as detailed in Section 3, below), to progress the detailed design of three locations and the development of the remaining schemes in the Phase 1 programme.

2.     Approve the drawdown of the Costed Risk provision of £56,000 as outlined in paragraph 6.

3.     Approve the costed risk register in Appendix 9 and delegate authority to the Executive Director Environment to draw down funds from this.

4.     Delegate authority to the Executive Director Environment, in consultation with the Chamberlain, to make any further adjustments (above existing authority within the project procedures) between elements of the budget.

Supporting documents: