Agenda item

Propel Funding Round One

Report of the Chief Funding Director


The Board considered a report of the Chief Funding Director presenting four applications for decision as part of the first round of the Propel programme, a funder collaboration stewarded by London Funders which iterated the successes of the London Community Response, a pioneering and widely celebrated vehicle for funder collaboration in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. The programme was also intended to extend collaboration beyond the emergency context, to provide strategic and long-term funding at scale, continuing to test and learn from progressive approaches to funding. The Chief Funding Director introduced the report and presented the Propel programme, also outlining the proposals for consideration by the Board, following their endorsement by the Grants Committee.


The Chair commented that the Propel programme had been announced at the Beacon Collaborative annual event in 2022, noting the £30 million contribution from BHE. The Chair drew the Board’s attention to each of the proposals presented and sought the Board’s approval, which was agreed.


RESOLVED – That the Bridge House Estates Board, in the discharge of functions for the City Corporation as Trustee of Bridge House Estates (charity no. 1035628) and solely in the charity’s best interests:


(i)    Agree, as per the terms recommended by the Grants Committee, funding to:


  1. The Bridge Renewal Trust (charity no. 1131941) of £1,073,400 over three years;
  2. Inclusion London (charity no. 1157376) of £989,600 over three years;
  3. The Ubele Initiative (company no. 09035399) of £1,216,600 over three years; and
  4. Young Westminster Foundation (charity no. 1169255) of £848,400 over three years.

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