Agenda item


To approve the Aldermanic nominations for appointments onto the City Corporation’s committees in 2023/2024.


The Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk concerning nominations for the appointment of Aldermen on City of London Corporation Committees for 2023/24 as of 27th  April 2023.


The Chairman reported that the appointments presented here for formal approval were the result of conversations with individual Aldermen. He highlighted that there was one outstanding appointment still to be determined for the Planning and Transportation Committee but that he would finalise this under delegated authority ahead of the April Court of Common Council meeting.


Resolved: - That the Aldermen:


i)                Approve the nominations set out in the report and authorise their submission to the Court of Common Council at its meeting on 27th April 2023, excluding the appointments to the Honourable Irish Society which will had been settled separately on 9th March 2023; and


ii)               Delegate authority to the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the General Purposes Committee of Aldermen to approve any necessary revisions to the list of appointments.

Supporting documents: