Report of the Commissioner.
The Board received the Commissioner’s public update.
The Commissioner updated the Board on the Baroness Casey Review of the Metropolitan Police including the implications for the City of London Police. It was noted that a detailed engagement with the Baroness Casey Review would be presented to Board at a future meeting. The Chair commented that whilst the Review was not a reflection of the City of London Police its findings needed to be considered by all Forces. In addition, it was highlighted that the City of London Police Authority already had established a more direct oversight of these issues as the Professional Standards and Integrity Committee had a sight of all Force misconduct data. It was added that work on culture at the Force needed to be ongoing. The Town Clerk added that Baroness Casey was due to speak at a London Councils meeting where the implications for London would be explained.
Following Member’s query it was confirmed that the Metropolitan Police were leading on communications regarding the Baroness Casey Review that this stage.
The Board were updated on the City of London Police Museum noting that a report on the planned reinstatement would be presented to the Board at the next meeting.
Officers provided the Board with an update on the matter of phone snatching in the City of London including actions taken by the Force to combat these crimes.
RESOLVED- That the update be noted.
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