Agenda item

City Arts Initiative: Recommendations to the Culture, Heritage and Libraries Committee

To consider the report of the Executive Director, Innovation & Growth (appendices in separate pack).


Members considered the report of the Executive Director, Innovation & Growth.


A Member commented that residents did not appear to have been consulted in the manner suggested by the document, and some appeared unhappy with the scope of the currently proposed Jaggard memorial. The meeting noted that some canvassing had been undertaken and that there was support for some kind of commemorative structure to mark the site of the Folio 400 printing, though opinions differed on what that structure should be. The meeting also noted that the anniversary was in November 2023 and that there were, therefore, timing implications.  


The meeting noted that Seats at the Table had been agreed for Postman’s Park, and that consultation was ongoing in respect of ‘Urban Playground’.


RESOLVED, That Members ratify the City Arts Initiative's recommendations as set out in the report, as follows:


o   Folio 400 – William Jaggard – Permanent Memorial – take into account updates on ongoing consultation;

o   London Festival of Architecture (LFA) – Urban Playground: approve subject to accessibility consultation, and consultation with Highways and Planning with regards to location, maintenance, safety & liability. Further clarification on how installation is interpreted also recommended; and

o   London Festival of Architecture (LFA) – Seats at the Table: approve subject to clarifications on timeline, location and accessibility.



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