Agenda item

Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy Update

Strategy and Projects Officer to be Heard.



Members received a verbal update and noted that this was out for consultation until 12 May 2023 and there would be a further push on communications and consultation to shape the action plan.   The Officer agreed to resend the links to the survey and web page.  The next meeting of the Board would receive the final document for sign off.


During the discussion, the following points were noted:


The volunteer peer researchers are mainly from the east of the city and will be able to advise on the number of responses.  Anyone who completes a survey will be asked to participate in focus groups. 


Officers are working with commissioned providers, city advice, connections and libraries and the consultation strategy will be kept under review, to ensure we capture  specific resident groups.  A member suggested contacting the chairs of the various resident associations across the City’s Estates.


As had been the case with the Children and Young People’s Plan, the consultation used out-line action plans, because the feedback from consultation would populate them.  There was a suggestion in that it might have been too succinct and that the on-line surveys could be more user-friendly.


There is a challenge across Government department in terms of pitching consultation correctly.   Members noted a new Resident Engagement Manager is in post and projects underway to increase links with workers and residents. 


Some of the pathways into improving the health and equity of city residents might be via their employers or health agencies outside of the City.  



At 12.55 agreed to extend to 1.10 to conclude business on agenda.