Report of the Town Clerk.
The Board considered a report of the Town Clerk relating to its Committees and Appointments.
The Board discussed the frequency of Board and Committee meetings agreeing to reduce the number of Board meetings by removing the November meeting.
The Board approved the Chair, Deputy Chair, Member, External Member and Committee Member role descriptions at Appendix 3.
The Board considered the appointment of each of the Committees. With regard to the appointment of a Chair of the Professional Standards and Integrity Committee the Town Clerk informed the Board that two members of the Board had expressed an interest in serving as the Committee’s Chair. Further to Standing Order 29 the Chair noted that the default was now that sub-committees be chaired by the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the appointing Committee or their nominee but sought the views of the Board through an indicative ballot before making their nomination. It was clarified that, further to a previously approved protocol, in instances where the Board was required to take a formal decision the views of all members of the Board would be sought through a ballot before the Court of Common Council Members take a formal decision. The results of this indicative ballot were eight indications for Michael Mitchell and two for Deborah Oliver. Following the results of this indicative vote the Chair nominated Michael Mitchell to serve as the Chair of the Professional Standards and Integrity Committee which the Board approved.
The Board noted that the Chair was appointed as chair of the National Cyber Resilience Centre Group and this appointment would be kept under review.
Economic & Cyber Crime Committee (ECCC)
a) Members noted the inclusion of the appointment of the Chairman of Policy & Resources Committee or their nominee to the ECCC;
b) Members noted the responsibility of Policy & Resources Committee to appoint a further one of its Members to the ECCC;
c) Members approved the terms of reference and composition as proposed in Appendix 2;
d) Members agreed that, in addition to the Board’s Chair and Deputy Chair, Alderman Emma Edhem, Andrew Lentin, Deputy Graham Packham, Dawn Wright, Nicholas Bensted-Smith and Sir Craig Mackey be appointed for 2023/24.
e) Members agreed that Deputy James Thomson be appointed Chair for 2023/24; and Tijs Broeke be appointed Deputy Chair for 2023/24.
f) Members approved the continuation of Michael Landau as the External Independent representative.
g) Members noted that the co-opted Court of Common Council places on the Committee were to be advertised after the meeting and appointed at the next meeting of the Board.
Strategic Planning & Performance Committee (SPPC)
a) Members approved the terms of reference as proposed in Appendix 2.
b) Members agreed that, in addition to the Board’s Chair and Deputy Chair, Caroline Addy, Munsur Ali, Alderman Timothy Hailes, Andrew Lentin and Deborah Oliver, Melissa Collett and Michael Mitchell be appointed for 2023/24;
h) Members agreed that Tijs Broeke be appointed Chair for 2023/24; and Andrew Lentin be appointed Deputy Chair for 2023/24.
i) Members noted the continuation of the External Independent representatives appointed.
j) Members noted that the co-opted Court of Common Council places on the Committee were to be advertised after the meeting and appointed the next meeting of the Board.
Resource, Risk & Estates Committee (RREC)
a) Members approved the terms of reference as proposed in Appendix 2.
b) Members agreed that, in addition to the Board’s Chair and Deputy Chair, Alderman Timothy Hailes, Alderman Emma Edhem, Andrew Lentin, Helen Fentimen and Dawn Wright be appointed for 2023/24;
c) Members agreed that Alderman Timothy Hailes be appointed Chair for 2023/24; and Tijs Broeke be appointed Deputy Chair for 2023/24.
d) Members noted the continuation of the External Independent representatives appointed.
e) Members noted that the co-opted Court of Common Council places on the Committee were to be advertised after the meeting and appointed at the next meeting of the Board.
Professional Standards & Integrity Committee (PSIC)
a) Members approved the terms of reference as proposed in Appendix 2.
c) Members agreed that, in addition to the Board’s Chair and Deputy Chair Caroline Addy, Nicholas Bensted-Smith, Alderman Emma Edhem and Deborah Oliver, Helen Fentimen and Michael Mitchell be appointed for 2023/24;
d) Michael Mitchell be appointed Chair for 2023/24; and Deborah Oliver provisionally be appointed Deputy Chair for 2023/24 subject to her willingness to serve.
e) Members noted that the positions of external members would be appointed to by the Board.
f) Members noted that the co-opted Court of Common Council places on the Committee were to be advertised after the meeting and appointed at the next meeting of the Board.
City of London Police Pensions Board
Streets & Walkways Sub (Planning & Transportation) Committee
Digital Services Committee
Homelessness & Rough Sleeping Sub (Community & Children’s Services) Committee
Association of Police and Crime Commissioners
Capital Buildings Board
Crime and Disorder Scrutiny Committee
Member Lead for Safeguarding and Public Protection (Vulnerability and ICV Scheme)
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