Agenda item

Management Report by the Barbican Centre's Directors

Report of the Managing Director.


The Board received a report of the Managing Director which included updates from the Barbican Centre’s Departmental Directors.


The Managing Director informed the Board that 2012/13 had been a record breaking year where attendances at the Centre had exceeded 1 million people for the first time. He added that the anticipated post-Olympic slump had failed to materialise and the Centre had continued to go from strength to strength throughout the year. The Managing Director further advised that he and his team were following up an issue with led to the closure of the Art Gallery on 20 February 2013.


The Director of Programming reported that the Bride and Bachelors exhibition was performing well and pointed to it as an excellent example of arts and creative learning working in partnership with marketing and communications.  She added that the Random International’s reputation had been made off the back of their hugely successful collaboration with the Barbican Centre on Rain Room.


The Director of Creative Learning reported that ‘Brainwaves’ had brought in thousands of visitors to the Centre and added that the quality of presentation and participating works had made an impact on both adults and children in attendance. He also highlighted future projects such as Open School East, a free arts school funding by the Arts Council in East London where well known artists would go out into the local community and engage people with their talents.


The Director of Audiences and Development reported that plans for the summer months were progressing well with exciting projects planned for inside and outside of the Centre, notably ‘Hack the Barbican’ – a project that would bring entrepreneurs from Tech City and artists together to transform the Barbican’s spaces. The Director added that the Family Strategy was also progressing together with partner organisations the Museum of London and London Symphony Orchestra. Finally, she added that the upgrading of the Centre’s digital infrastructure was continuing through the procurement process.


The Director of Operations and Buildings reported that Crossrail had agreed to provide times of silent working to minimise the noise impact on events at the Centre, adding that their normal operating noise levels were estimated at between 10-20db. The Director added that the Flying System project was progressing well.


The Chairman noted that there were issues to address with the closure of the Art Gallery on 20 February and also noted the recent protest outside the Centre by contractors pressing for the London Living Wage. She welcomed the positive news from the Directors and the recent work undertaken with residents of the Barbican Estate.


In response to a Member’s question, the City Surveyor undertook to investigate a reported problem with escalator access at Moorgate.


In response to another question regarding signage and access at the Southern end of the Barbican Estate, the Managing Director reported that the issues would be address by the Cultural Hub.


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