Agenda item

Any Other Business that the Chairman Considers Urgent


Winter Measures


The Deputy Chair asked if this could be revisited in good time for this winter in terms of thermal curtains and water tank covers, so that we can fully understand take up and cost implications.  


Officers agreed to bring a report to the September Committee.


The Chair introduced the following item of urgent business, relating to the Middlesex Street Estate Communal Heating system.


Members noted that, following discussions with residents, there have been enquiries to whether the City Corporation can revise arrangements (with Leaseholders) in such a way to allow for them to opt out of the new communal heating system and only accept (and pay service charges for) the communal cold water system.  There had been a further request for leaseholders to be allowed to install their own choice of heating system (except for gas) should they choose to opt out.


The Chair advised that this matter was brought to her attention in the immediate run-up to the publication of the agenda for this Meeting, by way of a proposed Motion by Deputy John Fletcher,  and essential advice was required in terms of whether it would be a legal option.  Whilst this is something that the Committee can legitimately look into, given the clear legal, financial and reputational implications, the Chair suggested that it would not be sensible to discuss this matter, let alone agree it, without a supporting officer report and recommendations, with a full set of viable options and implications.   It would not have been possible to prepare such a report in time for this meeting but the Chair noted that this is an urgent matter, with contractors lined up to start work as soon as possible and there is also a pressing need for the installation to take place in good time for the Winter of 2023/24.  The  officer advised that the current infrastructure is beyond its lifespan by about 20 years.  


The Chair therefore proposed, with the Committee’s approval, to delegate authority to the Town Clerk, in consultation with the Chair, Deputy Chair and, on this occasion, the whole Committee, to consider the matter ahead of the next meeting, over the course of the Summer recess.  The Town Clerk confirmed that, when the report is ready, all Members will be provided with an opportunity to comment over a fixed period, and those comments/

questions will feed into the final decision to be taken by the Town Clerk.


Members were also asked to note that, at present, the proposed changes to Housing Disclosable Personal Interests (DPI’s) have not come into effect. Therefore, the usual approach to DPIs would still apply in this matter.


Deputy John Fletcher was then invited to set out his reasons for bringing this matter to the Committee; i.e. – in the interests of transparency and to assist officers, who have been inundated with requests of this nature.   Furthermore, noting the legal advice, just because something can be done it should not automatically follow that it will be done.   Deputy Fletcher also stressed that it will be a Member and not an Officer decision.  


Deputy Fletcher further requested that, when the decision is made public; i.e. – a as report of action taken by the Committee, that it is accompanied by a public explanation of the reasoning, with Members comments, which can also be representative the view of their constituents and/or  he tenant/ leaseholder groups.   The Town Clerk confirmed that this would be in order.   On being put to the vote, all but one of the Members present agreed to this proposal.   There was one suggestion in that the matter should be considered at the next meeting of the Committee, on 14th September 2023. 


Members noted that there had been a couple of emails from the resident groups, asking that they be shared with the Committee.  The Town Clerk advised that, at this time, it would not be appropriate in the absence of a full officer report.




Authority be delegated to the Town Clerk, in consultation with the Chair, Deputy Chair and all Members of the Committee, to take a decision in respect of allowing Leaseholders to opt out of the new communal heating system and to only accept (and pay service charges for) the communal cold water system and that they be allowed to install their own choice of heating system (except gas) should they choose to opt out.


It be noted that any Members comments and the rationale in reaching the decision would be made public.