Agenda item


To agree the draft public minutes of the meeting held on 21 September 2022.



A Member asked if there had been any feedback from developers on the Suicide Prevention Planning Advice Note. An Officer advised that no feedback had been received but the measures were being implemented within schemes. The City had been shortlisted for an award on this piece of work.


A Member asked for an update on stakeholder engagement. An Officer stated that stakeholder engagement events would be held in the next couple of months. This was later than intended due to the process of appointing consultants and mapping out the engagement work. The first series of engagement events would be on the key area of Change and exploring this in more detail. The feedback would be reported back to the Local Plans Sub-Committee and then the Planning and Transportation Committee when the Plan was submitted to the Committee in October 2023. The Officer confirmed that the delay in the consultation would not delay the progress of the City Plan and it was still on track to be delivered within the scheduled timetable.


In response to a Member’s question about the scheduling of meetings, an Officer advised that although the 19 May 2023 meeting had been cancelled, Officers were looking to schedule another meeting for early September 2023. The September meeting would give Members of the Sub-Committee the opportunity to see the whole plan and provide feedback. A Member suggested that this would not leave much time for amendments before the plan was submitted to the Planning and Transportation Committee and that it could be beneficial to hold this in July. An Officer stated that they would look into this.


An Officer advised that the May Sub-Committee meeting would explore issues around residential use and hotel demand, the June meeting would explore issues around office demand and tall buildings and the July meeting would look at the spatial aspects of the City Plan. The Officer advised that several studies were being undertaken to inform the meetings. The Chairman requested that Officers provide a schedule of meeting topics and the evidence work being undertaken to Members of the Sub-Committee and Members of the Planning and Transportation Committee.


RESOLVED – That the public minutes of the last meeting held on 21 September 2022 be approved as a correct record.

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