Report of the Planning & Development Director.
The Committee considered a report of the Planning & Development Director concerning an increase in charges for property searches.
In response to a Member’s question, an Officer stated that fees had not changed since 2009, as since then the responsibilities of the service had changed and the size of team had reduced so the fees had been sufficient to cover costs. He stated that the fees were now no longer covering the costs of the team.
In response to Members’ questions, the Officer stated that the number of searches being undertaken was relatively consistent and had recovered well since the reduction at the start of the covid pandemic. Also, the fee increases were consistent with the fees of other central London boroughs.
A Member stated that the method for calculating the fees was not included in the report and requested that this be provided with the next report to the Committee. He stated that there was a need to ensure the costs covered the full costs and this would enable the Committee to consider further potential increases in the future. The Officer outlined the costs that were included in the figures.
RESOLVED – That the Committee
1) agree the increase in fees for Property Searches, as set out in Appendix 1 of the Officer report;
2) agree that the next report to the Committee include the full cost breakdown.
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