Agenda item

Local Implementation Plan Funded Schemes 2023/24

Report of the Executive Director, Environment.


The Committee received a report covers the provision of Transport for London (TfL) Local Implementation Plan (LIP) funding to the City of London Corporation for the year 2023/24.


RESOLVED – That the Committee


1.     Approve the allocations up to the maximum set out in Table 1 (£556k), for the year 2023/24;

2.     Delegate authority to the Executive Director Environment, in consultation with the Chairs and Deputy Chairs of the Planning & Transportation Committee and of the Streets & Walkways Sub Committee, to allocate any additional funds which are made available by TfL in 2023/24 financial year;

3.     Approve to spend any funds awarded for Principal Road Renewal for the year 2023/24 as outlined on page 129 of the agenda;

4.     Delegate authority to the Executive Director Environment to reallocate the TfL grant between the approved LIP schemes should that be necessary during 2023/24 up to a maximum of £150,000.

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