Agenda item

City Fund Highway Declaration: 120 Fleet Street, London, EC4A 2BE

Report of the City Surveyor.


The report sought approval to declare a volume of City Fund owned airspace measuring 433 square feet, situated at 120 Fleet Street to be surplus to highway requirements to allow its disposal in conjunction with the permitted development.

Members were shown photographs and plans.

In response to a Member’s question, an Officer stated that where oversails projected into City Fund owned airspace or land, the use of the airspace could be regularised in return for a premium and costs paid. This was routinely done for oversails.

In response to a Member’s question, the Legal Officer stated that disposal terms were not within the Planning and Transportation’s terms of reference. She advised that the decision for the Committee was whether the airspace was surplus to highway requirements.

In response to a Member’s question about the funds generated from the disposal, the Legal Officer stated that it would go into the general City Fund.

The Chairman stated that the Committee should not be influenced by the commercial aspects of the transaction and there would be no benefit to the Planning and Transportation Committee or the Built Environment Department if this was approved.

RESOLVED – That the Committee resolve to declare a volume of City Fund owned airspace totalling 433 sqft (held for highway purposes), situated around 120 Fleet Street, London, EC4A 2BE, to be surplus to highway requirements to enable its disposal upon terms to be approved under the delegated authority of the City Surveyor SUBJECT TO the City Surveyor and the Deputy Director of Transportation and Public Realm first determining the relevant ordnance datum levels to suitably restrict the vertical extent of the leasehold airspace demise and ensure sufficient highway stratum is retained by the City as highway authority.


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