Agenda item

Commissioner's Update

Report of the Commissioner.


The Board received the Commissioner’s update.


The Board were updated on City of London Police’s support of the policing of the King’s Coronation confirming that there were no arrests made by City of London Police officers and no formal complaints received regarding their conduct. In addition, the launch of the national fraud strategy was outlined to the Board and the economic crime Member Briefing Session on the 28th of June was confirmed. A Member in attendance questioned the advice provided by City of London Police Officers at the Coronation and requested further information on the training Officers receive on the relevant public order legislation. The Deputy Chair expressed caution on the perspective the social media can provide noting that these are often partial and incomplete representations. Officers commented that City of London and Metropolitan Police had worked well on Operation Orb with months of detailed planning in advance of the operation but that a full debrief would be completed by the Metropolitan Police which would include any  lessons learnt being incorporated into training  as appropriate. In addition, it was confirmed that, whilst all details of the debrief may not be disclosable, the key lessons learnt would be shared with the Board. 


The Deputy Chair updated the Board on his attendance at the Wilton Park summit Economic Crime Conference noting that the central element was that the new Fraud Strategy would not be enough to effectively combat fraud and economic crime without effective partnership working and increased funding with appropriate prioritisation by Police and Crime Commissioners.


The Board discussed the need for the Corporation to develop a policy on the issue of money laundering in the City of London to ensure effective partnership working on this important matter. It was noted Government had highlighted amount of illegal money in the United Kingdom as a security risk and that there should be no perspective of conflict between the economic prosperity and enforcement. It was confirmed that the Chair of the Policy and Resources Committee was alive to these concerns and would be looking to address them appropriately.


RESOLVED- That the report be noted.


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