Report of the Commissioner.
The Board received a report of the Commissioner on the HMICFRS PEEL Inspection 2022.
The Chair observed that the areas identified as needing improvement had a clear plan for each noting that the report represents the minimum of what the Force are aiming to achieve.
The Deputy Chair noted that this was discussed in detail at the Strategic Planning and Performance Committee and stated that it was hard for the Board to accept the respective target classifications for the thematic review points of Strategic planning, organisational management and value for money Preventing crime and anti-social behaviour. He added that the engagement between the Force and the Corporation’s safer city was not where it needed to be. Officers confirmed that this was a living document which would continue to be reviewed and actions reported back to the Board with the need to strengthen partnership working being a key matter for consideration.
In response to a Member’s query it was confirmed that the strengthening of planning and core services was seen as the most effective approach to improving the performance of the Force as a whole, including the prevention of crime.
Officers also added that for Member reassurance, Anti-Social Behaviour was broadly on a downward trend and the Inspection had focused on specific elements.
A Member requested that details of specific requests from Members relating to the HMICFRS PEEL inspection be included in full in the minutes.
The Chair confirmed that the report would be reviewed quarterly by the Strategic Planning and Performance Committee.
RESOLVED- That the report be noted.
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