Agenda item

Grant Funding Activity: Period Ended 24 May 2023

Report of the Chief Funding Director


The Committee considered a report of the Chief Funding Director providing details of funds approved and rejected under delegated authority since the last meeting of the Funding Committee in March 2023 through to 24 May 2023; the remaining 2023/2024 grants budget; grants spend to date and for this meeting by London Borough compared with the Multiple Index of Deprivation; any grant variations that have been approved under delegated authority; and seeking approval for 2 grant rejections and 7 grants between £250,000 and £1,000,001. The Chair introduced the item and commended officers for the substantive work and positive output of 110 grants for the year so far. The Committee also provided positive feedback on the revised format and model for the heat maps provided, noting that a report reviewing ‘cold spots’ would be brought to the September meeting of the Committee.


The Chair then drew the Committee’s attention to the Bridging Divides grants recommended for approval and took each proposal in turn. With regards to the application from YMCA West London, the Committee noted that officers were following up on receiving a reference for the organisation from a previous funder and agreed the recommendation, subject to the receipt of a suitable reference.


A Member commented on the innovativeness of the project within the application from Carefreespace, adding that this model could be considered for application elsewhere. The Chief Funding Director responded that it had potential for use with social investment. The Member continued that the proposal represented an innovative and potentially exciting solution to what could be considered an issue with social care funding. The Committee noted its concern regarding the direction of the social care market in London, given possible issues in the future. The Chief Funding Director advised that CBT would be careful to provide support for the sector as well as leverage the charity and City Corporation’s position to provide an appropriate level of challenge where possible.


In response to a question from a Member, the Chief Funding Director advised that Carefreespace provided a referral pathway through community partners as well as a self-referral process, which would enable access for those with digital literacy issues.


The Chair then drew the Committee’s attention to the applications recommended for rejection. A Member, noting the reasons for rejection given against applications considered under delegated authority, commented that many applications seemed to be rejected on the basis of a lack of eligibility, and queried whether the communication of eligibility criteria could be improved. The Chief Funding Director advised that this was regularly reviewed with it aimed for the application process to be as inclusive and accessible as possible. The Chief Funding Director added that officers were taking forward a suggestion from the Deputy Chair to make bitesize videos for the website to assist with areas in which applicants struggled.


In response to a question from the Chair, the Chief Funding Director advised that CBT’s rejection rate was around 50%, which compared favourably with other funders, and that it was intended for the application process to be as sympathetic as possible. The Committee was assured that proposed rejections were given full scrutiny before the decision to reject was taken, before noting that additional points in respect of rejections would be discussed in non-public session.


RESOLVED – That the Funding Committee of the Bridge House Estates Board, in the discharge of functions for the City Corporation as Trustee of Bridge House Estates and solely in the charity’s best interests:


i)                Receive this report and note its contents;


ii)               Approve the following grants as recommended;


·       You Make It - £560,000 over five years

·       British Refugee Council - £317,505 over five years

·       YMCA West London - £262,200 over three years

·       Aston-Mansfield - £262,785 over four years

·       The Health Forum - £270,000 over five years

·       Women’s Health and Family Services - £269,725 over five years

·       Carefreespace - £500,000 over three years; and


iii)              Approve the rejection of grants as listed in the schedule appended to the report.

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