Agenda item

Community Infrastructure Levy Neighbourhood Fund (CILNF) Applications for approval

Report of the Managing Director of the Bridge House Estate.


Members considered a report of the Managing Director of the Bridge House Estate regarding the approval for two new CILNF bids (ARTBASH and the Barbican Association), and the approval for the final tranche of a multi-year bid (Barbican Centre Trust Ltd).


In response to questions from Members, it was confirmed that the Barbican Library would be responsible for managing all of the bookings for the community room, noting that they had worked with a number of third sector organisations and local community groups and would be able to do this more should the bid be successful. 


Responding to Members questions on value for money justifications, it was clarified that cost for the project had been generated by the department in consultation with architects and relevant stakeholders. It was noted that some additional inflationary costs had been built in and the project may be finalised using less than the budget.


In response, Members requested additional information on the value for money justification for the community room and clarification on the usage of the room.


RESOLVED – That Members:


  1. approve the grant recommended to ARTBASH for £75,210 at a meeting of the CILNF Officer Panel in May 2023 (Appendix 1).


  1. delegate authority to the Town Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman, to consider the grant recommended  to Department of Community and Children’s Services in collaboration with the Barbican Association for £449,550, subject to receipt of further information on the value for money and clarification on usage of the community room.


  1. approve the final year of funding of £233,707 to the Barbican Centre Trust Limited, as agreed in principle by the Committee at its meeting 10 May 2021 (Appendix 2).


note the current position of the CILNF, the need for a public consultation to be carried out on the fund and approve for the temporary closure of the Fund for grants over £50,000.

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