Report of the Chief Funding Director
The Committee considered a report of the Chief Funding Director seeking approval of a grant of £500,000 to Fight for Sight/Vision Foundation towards the Vision Fund, a grantmaking programme aimed at reducing isolation and tackling mental health issues within the sight loss community. The Funding Director introduced the report and presented the proposal to the Committee. The Committee noted a correction to the report, that the overhead costs outlined within the budget section should read 8% of the overall cost, rather than 3%.
In response to a question from a Member, the Chief Funding Director advised the Committee that Vision Foundation had done substantive work on minority representation, having made it a priority for the organisation and agreeing a strong Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy.
Noting that the end of the Alliance Partnership programme was approaching, the Chief Funding Director advised that officers would undertake an evaluation of the programme before bringing recommendations back to the Committee for a decision regarding next steps.
The Chair then drew Members’ attention to the recommendations, which were agreed.
RESOLVED – That the Funding Committee, in discharge of functions for the City Corporation as Trustee of Bridge House Estates and solely in the charity’s best interests, approve a grant of £500,000 over two years, as an Alliance Partnership, to Fight for Sight/Vision Foundation [charity no: 1111438 (formerly 1074958)] for running costs and onward grant making as part of the Vision Fund. A payment timetable will be drawn up in line with the launch dates of the four funding rounds, and the related payments to onward grant recipients.
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