Agenda item

City of London Police Update

The City of London Police to be heard.


Members received an update of the City of London Police and the following points were made:


·       220 incidents of begging were reported in the period of 31 March to 1 June with the Bishopsgate as the top location. More occurrences may have been reported on Bishopsgate due to the heavy number of footfall or the proximity of the Police Station, where officers were more likely to witness incidents.

·       Through Turning Point and the Intervention Hub, an individual had successfully ceased drug use and gained employment.

·       Operation Luscombe was successfully working and in operation throughout the country. Mindful of best practice and observing results of how other parts of the country ran their programmes, a review and update of the programme would take place.


A query was raised regarding the exploitation of beggars and the training of Police Officers in Modern Slavery awareness. It was noted that Police Officers were all trained on Modern Slavery. Members were informed that Officers hand out leaflets listing different services offered both in the hubs and on the streets. Safeguarding was a key concern and conversations regarding Modern Slavery and the options for help were encouraged to take place. Support and outreach for vulnerable people were at the forefront of Officers’ actions.


In response to a question, Members were informed that Community Protection Notices currently expired after three months. This length of time was to be reviewed. Members expressed their concern that an increase in length might lead to criminalisation and requested the City Police review this change with the Sub Committee before finalisation.


A Member requested that where an application for a criminal behaviour order was made, Members be informed of the date so they had an opportunity to observe the hearing from the public gallery.


A Member raised concern over begging and rough sleeping in transportation links and stations. Members were informed that the British Transport Police (BTP) were involved in Operation Luscombe. The Member asked that the BTP be invited Sub Committee meetings.


In response to a question, Members were informed that no flags have been raised of assaults on those begging. It was noted that people often felt safer in the City than in other areas in and around London.


RESOLVED- That the Sub Committee:

1)    Note the update.

2)    Request that the leaflet be circulated.

3)    Receive a written report at the next meeting, outlining the data collected and any justification for the change in length of Criminal Behaviour Orders.