Agenda item

Car Park Charging Policy

Report of the Executive Director, Community and Children’s Services.



The committee received a report of the Executive Director of Community and Children's Services.


The committee discussed the proposal to increase car parking charges in line with Consumer Price Inflation, the number of rate freezes implemented in previous years, the valuation of the Barbican Estate spaces as compared to other local car parks, and the proposed expenditure earmarked for management and supervision costs. The committee further discussed the staffing of the estate’s car parks and whether the recent addition of part-time staff would reduce the need for overtime payments. The committee discussed the charging of £1,564 per annum for Barbican Estate car parks as compared to approximately £800 per annum for other local car parks.


The committee discussed the decline in occupancy rates since 2006 and whether increases in charges had caused or exacerbated this; and whether charges indexed to occupancy rates might mitigate this decline in occupancy.


The committee welcomed the proposal to re-establish the Car Parking Charging Working Party and noted the recommendations which would be put to the Barbican Residential Committee.

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