Agenda item

Apologies for absence


On introducing the meeting, the Chairman welcomed newly appointed Members of the Sub-Committee, Caroline Haines and Deputy Madush Gupta, the latter of whom was taking the position as the Chairman of Finance Committee’s nominee.


The Chairman thanked Deputy Henry Colthurst, Mary Durcan and Deputy Charles Edward Lord for their service on the Committee.


Welcome was then extended to Emily Tofield, the newly appointed Executive Director of Corporate Communications and External Affairs. The Committee wished to note its thanks to Philip Saunders for his time as the interim post-holder.


And finally, the Chairman wished to thank Bob Roberts for his time overseeing the work  Communications Team, both as Director of Communications and then as Deputy Town Clerk.


Apologies for absence were received from Catherine McGuinness and Alderman Michael Mainelli. Ruby Sayed had issued apologies for being late.