Agenda item

City of London Police Final Revenue & Capital Outturn 2022/23

Report of the Commissioner.


The Board considered a report of the Commissioner on the City of London final revenue and capital outturn for 2022/23.


The Chair of the Resource, Risk and Estates Committee highlighted that the Committee had noted the continued concerns regarding the skills in change management, procurement compliance and the variances in overtime budgeting. 


Replying to a Member’s query it was confirmed that long term sickness absence was increasing and the Force is monitoring this. It also was noted that Covid is now included in normal sickness reporting.


It was noted that there would be further discussion on use of reserves as part of the Medium Term Financial Plan discussions in the autumn.


RESOLVED: - That –

  1. The revenue and capital outturn for 2022-23 for CoLP and revenue outturn for the Police Authority Board Team as set out in the report be noted; and
  2. That the use of £2m of the Force’s £7.1m 2022-23 revenue underspend to finance capital expenditure, thereby reducing the future MTFP borrowing risk be approved; and
  3. That the transfer of the remainder of the 2022-23 underspend (£5.1m) to increment the general reserve to the target level of 5% of gross budget be approved; and
  4. That a drawdown of £351,000 from the general reserve in 2023-24 to mitigate timing differences in expenditure committed from the 2022-23 budget be approved; and
  5. That a transfer of £0.45m, in relation the 2022-23 Police Authority Board underspend, to an earmarked reserve to mitigate the risk of cost arising from future gross misconduct hearing be approved.


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