Agenda item

Members' Digital Platform

Town Clerk to be heard.


The Town Clerk introduced the Committee to the draft Members’ digital platform (the ‘Member Portal’) and gave some background information, explaining that the portal would be used as a communication tool as part of the Member L&D Strategy, which would sit alongside the rolling programme. 


The proposal would be to provide Members with guidance and information ranging from latest relevant news and event dates, to how to keep their register of interest updated, access to L&D sessions and recordings, booking committee lunches in the Guildhall Club, access to the Pocket Book, and so on. The maintenance of the page would be delivered by the Governance& Member Services team who would seek to ensure that it was a living page. The platform would be in line with corporate policy, being fully accessible to all and the content would be subject to validation. 


It is proposed to launch the platform in September 2023 and to provide Members with a selection of drop dates to demonstrate the portal; it was noted that the development of the site would be iterative, with a view to adding content and functionality over time as Members grew more comfortable with the Portal. It was also hoped that, with IT support, it would be possible to enable the profiling of the Portal so that each individual Member’s page had an element of personal tailoring. 


Members agreed to provide the Town Clerk with any additional suggestions.