Agenda item

Members' Learning & Development - Future Programme

Report of the Town Clerk.


The Committee received a report of the Town Clerk concerning the Members’ Learning and Development Future Programme.  As previously reported to the Member Learning and Development Steering Group, the Member Learning and Development (L&D) Strategy comprised the delivery of a themed rolling programme, communication with Members, monitoring and evaluation of existing sessions in a bid to influence future offerings, and associated budgetary provision. The launch of the strategy had slipped to September 2023. 


The initial theme would focus on leadership activities and updates, to include chairing skills. Captured in this subject, Members should be made aware of the purpose and function of the role of Chair in the City-specific sense, incorporating those functions and responsibilities which fell to them outside of the formal committee setting, to enable better understanding of the role and inform improved participation. It was noted that ad hoc Member requests remained an essential part of the programme.


The Sub-Committee expressed some concern that co-opted Members were sometimes excluded from the L&D offerings. It was noted that some sessions might not be appropriate for external Members and that consideration would be necessary on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the views of the presenting officer. There would also need to be a discussion in terms of budgetary pressures; however, this should be considered and it was noted that it should be possible for those co-opted Members with a City Corporation account to access any offerings that had been recorded, via the Members’ Portal.


Members discussed free training sessions which were advertised to them directly from external providers, with it asked that they forward these communications to the Town Clerk to investigate their validity and usefulness as a source of provider.




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