Report of the Executive Director, Community and Children’s Services.
Due to formatting issues, the appendix to this report will be attached separately and made available on the Health and Wellbeing Board’s web page:
The Board considered the end of year BCF report, of the Executive Director,
Community and Children’s Service, which set out how plans were met and
funding was allocated.
Members noted that funding was slightly higher for this year and this had been allocated to existing schemes, with some refinements. Plans for this year would be presented to the September Board meeting. The officer advised that a future meeting of the Board would receive a report on virtual wards and discharge from hospital/reducing admissions. Members noted that the care market was facing considerable pressures and all local authorities had been required to produce a market sustainability plan. It was suggested that it would be helpful for the Board to be sighted on this work, as part of the above report. In response to a question, the officer advised that work around commissioning adult placements was underway, funded from this year’s BCF. The officer also agreed to investigate the work being undertaken by NE London in this area.
RESOLVED, that – the Better Care Fund End of Year Report 2022/23 be
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