Agenda item

A verbal update on the Hidden Workforce

Director of Public Health, City and Hackney, to be heard.


Members noted the following:


1. A meeting had taken place with the Director of Equality, Diversity and

Inclusion, who welcomed the report’s synergy with the City of London’s

equality objectives in terms of the London Living Wage and social mobility.

The Director agreed to attend the Health and Wellbeing Board when it

receives the next iteration of this report.


2. A further meeting had taken place with the Chief Operating Officer, who

advised that 15% of the weighting on contractual awards criteria is on

responsible procurement, including the London Living Wage. The COO

further advised of the complexities in casual staffing structures and the cost

and impact implications of the various recommendations would need to be

analysed. Therefore, the Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) might need to

take a formal Resolution to the relevant Committee(s) in terms of the next



3. A presentation of the report and its recommendations was made to the

Senior Leadership Team (SLT), chaired by the Town Clerk and Chief

Executive, on 23 May. The following actions were taken from this meeting:


• The Chief Operating Officer to conduct a health check on the

Procurement Code and to feed the ‘hidden workers’ suggestions into the

ongoing review of pay and reward.

• The City Surveyors to review the Facilities Management contract to look

at quick wins; i.e. the provision of microwaves and break spaces.

• The Town Clerk and Chief Executive asked for any further suggestion to

the next SLT Meeting.


Overall, the report was very well received and Members noted that some of the actions, in terms of reviewing procurement and workplace policies, would need to be undertaken by other partners on the Health and Wellbeing Board. Members noted that they would receive a more comprehensive report at the September Board, at which time consideration could be given to the Resolution, suggested under (2) above. The Deputy Director of Public Health suggested presenting the report to NHS partners who contract out their cleaning and support staff.