Report of the City Surveyor.
The Sub-Committee
considered a report of the
City Surveyor concerning the Considerate Lighting
Charter document.
The committee noted that the
charter contained proposals with which properties in the City of London would
be encouraged to comply, but that
Corporation-owned properties
would adopt the charterin due
course if approved by the Planning and Transport
In response to questions, the committee noted that it was forecast that approximately 25% of office space carbon emissions were generated by lighting but that the impact on the City of London and Corporation had not been calculated.
Following discussion about the reputational risk of adopting but not complying with the charter, the committee requested a future report setting out the timeline for implementation and the impact this would have on Corporation-owned properties.
The Chairman proposed that the committee had expressed concern about the adoption of the charter whilst it remained unclear to what extent Corporation-owned properties complied with the charter and that the second recommendation should therefore not be adopted. This was put to the committee and agreed.
RESOLVED –to note the report and contents of the Considerate Lighting Charter and agree that, if approved by the Planning and Transportation Committee, a report should be presented to the committee outlining a proposed timeline and assessment of impact of adoption for Corporation-owned buildings.
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