To consider the following Resolution from the Ward of Portsoken – 20 March 2023.
“The Ward of Portsoken request the relevant department(s) and/or services of the City of London Corporation consider what mitigating actions could be taken to resolve current anti-social behaviour (public urination/vomiting) associated with the night-time economy/licensed premises in the vicinity of Beaufort House, EC3”
The Committee considered a Resolution from the Ward of Portsoken on 20 March 2023.
Members were informed of the following actions that had already been undertaken by the City of London Corporation:
Members were pleased that officers were taking into account the issues raised by constituents in terms of educating those nearby premises. It was suggested that the City Corporation consider what could be done to keep patrons informed and educated about anti-social behaviour in the area. The Committee was, however, aware that the matter of street cleansing and the built environment did not fall within the functions of the Licensing Committee. It was agreed that this was a matter for Port Health to consider.
Members asked for this to be officially referred to Port Health & Environmental Services Committee. This was proposed by Michael Hudson and seconded by Anthony Fitzpatrick, and members agreed.
RESOLVED – that Members:-