Agenda item

Updates from the various Sub Committees, Portfolio Holders and Allocated Members


Appointment of the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Sub Committee

The Chair was heard in respect of the appointment of the new Chair and Deputy Chair of the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Sub Committee, in accordance with the new Standing Orders agreed by the Court of Common Council in April 2023.   The Town Clerk reminded Members that any departure from this being the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Grand Committee, would need agreement from the Grand Committee.


RESOLVED, that –


Eammon Mullally be appointed as Chair of the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Sub Committee for 2023/24.


Natasha Lloyd Owen be appointed as Deputy Chair of the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Sub Committee for 2023/24.


Members then noted the following updates from the Health and Wellbeing Board, the Chairs of the Sub Committees and Allocated Members and Portfolio Holders:


Health and Wellbeing Board

The Board had approved the Sexual and Reproductive Health Strategy and agreed to commence consultation.  Members of CCS would receive a link to the consultation and the Board and CCS would also receive interim  updates at their September 2023 meetings.


Safeguarding Sub Committee – 19th June 2023

The draft minutes from this meeting had been included in the ‘information-only’ report pack for July and published, as a draft, on the relevant page on the City Corporation’s web site.


The Chair was very pleased to advise that an Award Ceremony would be taking place in the evening of 17th July 2023, to recognise the achievements of experienced young people nominated by the Virtual Headteachers. 


Members also noted the report on travel cards for care leavers on today’s agenda.


Allocated Member Vacancy: South Bank Estates

The Town Clerk agreed to follow this up with an email seeking expressions of interest, as there had been a number of apologies for this meeting and more than one Member per estate is permitted. 


Housing Sub

Some GLA grant funding has been returned, as it was out of time, but there had been other complications on this particular project.  The Assistant Director, Barbican and Property Services meets regularly with colleagues in the City Surveyors’ Department, in terms of external/grant funding and there are opportunities for the next stages, particularly once planning permission has been granted.


In respect of the new Housing/Barbican Estate Grand Committee, the outcome of  the Housing Review of the City’s Estates would feed into this process.  There is a separate review underway in respect of the Barbican Estate, which falls under the Terms of Reference of the Barbican Residential Committee.  However, the the findings and outcomes from each would dovetail, following due consultation with residents.  However, some of the outcomes represent quick wins, which are process and not governance driven, and they can be implemented sooner. 


It had been necessary to cancel the last meeting of the Housing Management and Almshouses Sub Committee, due to a lack of items for decision.  A full agenda was expected for the next meeting in the Autumn.


Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Sub Committee – 3rd July 2023

Construction at the Assessment Centre was underway but there had been some serious issues in respect of the stability of the roof.   Fortunately, there is a costed risk provision and the works were completed within budget, with no further major structural issues expected.   


Middlesex Street – Deputy John Fletcher (Allocated Member)

The Allocated Member had visited the Estate on several occasions recently. The first was a meeting of the Residents' Association, followed immediately by a meeting of the Leaseholders' Association. The main topic of discussion had been the roll out of the new communal heating system, noting that both tenants and leaseholders. Some leaseholders feel that the system is being imposed on them, they are having to pay more than expected and have found communications around this matter challenging.  


Since these meetings, two weeks ago, there has been an unexpected increase in the need for asbestos removal. 


However, following a recent quarterly meeting between the new Executive Director, the Ward Members and Officers, which also considered other long-standing issues, an officer has been allocated to resolving each one, for review at the next quarterly meeting.


The  remaining uncertainties around the police occupation of parts of the Estate, and the impending sprinkler system to be installed in the tower have attracted some negative publicity on-line.   However, The Chair of the Policy and Resources Committee has since intervened and the Allocated Member is confident of a more positive report in his next update to the Committee.


Golden Lane - Mary Durcan (Allocated Member)

An Estate walkabout had taken place on 12th July 2023Golden Lane estate walkabout for residents with elected members and the following issues were noted:


Better communications about future walkabouts


The cleaning complement of 5 is currently down to 2 cleaners, due to recruitment issues and staff absences. Maintenance of the drains remains an issue  and a  proper maintenance cycle to deal with drains is required rather than reactive repairs to blockages.  Housing will provide an up-dated ‘Standards of Cleaning and Maintenance’ in the near future (date tbc). 


Fusion has been contacted re dumping of official documents on the Estate

The recycling area needs to be redesigned and made more secure to prevent regular fly tipping


Vandalism to Bayer door windows and large metal panels removed from the area above the swimming pool.  There has been some Illegal parking of Lime bikes on the estate.  Children have been able hack into bikes which are for adults over 18.  More frequent patrols by City Police/ Park guard are required.


The light on Hatfield has been broken since January 2023 and the sticker is disintegrating. Holes remain following the concrete investigation in 2019. The door to Hatfield and the railings have been repaired.


An officer would be visiting on 13th July to consider ways of reducing noise from the football pitch.


The roof repair at Great Arthur house needs to be revisited as water is pooling under the site of the repair.


Weeding is a problem due to the use of a less effective weed killer


Carers – Anne Corbett (Portfolio Holder)


Anne was the guest speaker at the opening event of the Carers’ week on 5th June.


A coffee morning had taken place in the Golden Lane estate, with the project worker, Farzana Khanom.  Cake and refreshments were kindly provided by Sue Pearson, Ceri Wilkins and Deborah Oliver.  Farzana has done a sterling job in recruiting and engaging with carers across the City and is actively helping carers build social networks and improve mental health.


Anne had met with one of the Hackney GPs who is involved in provision for carers and put in contact with the LB Hackney’s councillor lead for carers.


Carers would like to see a dedicated information/advice facility in the City of London, more advocacy support re applications for benefits and grants and a  better system for disabled car parking space applications.


The cost of living is having an impact on carers with fixed incomes, noting particularly the increase in service charges in the Barbican


Anne visited Mansion House to meet the Lady Mayoress on 6th June and carers from all over the City were invited.  They have been invited back in October 20223 for afternoon tea.


Funding had been provided for a card which allows parent carers to jump queues at leisure activities and facilities.  Members asked if a similar provision could be arranged for adult carers.