Agenda item

Report: Nominations Committee of Aldermen


Election of Lord Mayor – Arrangements for Common Hall

The Court of Aldermen considered a recommendation of its Nominations Committee of Aldermen relative to electoral procedures for Common Hall and Mayoral elections.


Resolved Unanimously: - That the Court of Aldermen agree:


(a) That an Alderman in formal nomination may seek the Court’s agreement for their name not to be listed and read out in Common Hall;


(b) That there be an undertaking that all Aldermen past the Chair will (unless specifically requested) not have their names listed and read out in Common Hall;


(c) That all current Aldermen be asked to acknowledge the undertaking and that it be added to the list of those signed by new Aldermen;


(d) That those Aldermen who wish their names to be listed in nomination in Common Hall submit their CV and updated declarations by 1st September in any given year to the Chair of the Nominations Committee;


(e) That where an Aldermanic Sheriff is in nomination, his or her role as Returning Officer should be undertaken by the Comptroller and City Solicitor, or in his or her absence, the Remembrancer; and


(f) That the Comptroller and City Solicitor and the Remembrancer should act as Returning Officers where there are two Aldermanic Sheriffs in nomination.