Report of the Chamberlain.
Members received a report of the Chamberlain relating the provisional outturn for 2022-23.
In response to a question from a Member, the Chamberlain confirmed that she was seeking the Committee’s permission to change her delegations regarding deficit carry forward provisions for the three presented departments.
A Member asked if future budget-setting report, particularly in relation to capital spend, could include activity indicators linking spending and delivery. The Chamberlain replied that reporting on capital would be brought to the Committee on a quarterly basis, starting in October. She would welcome Members input as to what indicators they would find useful for the future.
At the request of a Member, officers undertook to provide further information on the variations in the Policy and Resources Committee’s budget.
A Member asked the Chamberlain to clarify the responsibilities of service committees for keeping within their budget. In reply, the Chamberlain said Committees received information reports advising progress against budget and were responsible for keeping within budget. Nevertheless, there were concerns whether budget reports contained appropriate information to allow informed decisions on resource prioritisation in the event of over or under spend. The Chamberlain undertook to reflect on the latter point.
Members noted that the variances in the Town Clerk’s budget reflected changes resulting from the TOM.
RESOLVED, that – Members:
· Note that the overspends incurred respectively by the Remembrancer and City Surveyor totalling £0.044m and £0.219m for recovery from the 2023-24 budget.
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