Agenda item

Appointment of Co-optees Update

Town Clerk and Deputy Director of Public Health to be heard.


The Board heard a joint verbal report from the Town Clerk and Deputy Director of Public Health, providing an update on the appointment of co-optees.


The Board heard that three invitations had been sent to St Bartholomew’s Hospital (St Bart’s), East London NHS Foundation Trust (ELFT), and Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (Homerton) to become co-opted members of the Board. A response had been received from Homerton. No response had been received from ELFT. St Bart’s had enquired whether the Board wished for the member to be a representative of public health, or St Bart’s Hospital. The Board were asked for guidance on whether the co-opted members be voting or non-voting. The Board also heard that under its current terms of reference, it could have up to two co-opted members, and were asked whether it wished to increase the number of co-opted members to three.


The Board agreed that it would prefer three co-opted members. It was noted that the Board were due to review its terms of reference at its next meeting and would agree to recommend increasing the number of co-opted members. It also agreed that the co-opted members should be voting members. Finally, it was agreed that the representative from St Bartholomew’s Hospital should represent the hospital itself.


A Member of the Board suggested that membership of the Board should be expanded to include the business community and suggested that officers investigate and contact City Mental Health Alliance.