Agenda item

End-to-End Review of CBF's Main Grant-making Programme Update

Report of the Chief Funding Director


The Committee received a report of the Chief Funding Director providing an update on the End-to-End Review of City Bridge Trust’s main grant-making programme. The Chief Funding Director introduced the report and drew Members’ attention to the key points, advising that the findings of the review would be circulated to equity partners before any recommendations were brought to the Committee.


In response to a question from a Member, the Chief Funding Director advised that in addition to consultation, evidence would be gathered directly from other funders, through internal data analysis, desk review and through surveys of and writing on current practice, with a clear aim to ensure the review reflected the most up-to-date thinking on elements such as equity. The Chief Funding Director also confirmed that the review would include the application assessment process, and that the charity’s funding practices would be benchmarked according to IVAR Flexible Funding Commitments and Foundation Practice Rating.


RESOLVED – That the Funding Committee, in discharge of functions for the City Corporation as Trustee of Bridge House Estates (charity reg. no. 1035628) and solely in the charity’s best interests:


      i)          Note the contents of the report.

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