Agenda item

Q1 Policing Plan Performance 23-24

Report of the Commissioner.


The Committee received a report of the Commissioner, which provided a performance assessment against the measures in the Policing Plan for Q1 2023-24 (1 April to 30th June 2023).


The Chair commended the helpful presentation of the report and during the discussion and questions, the following points were noted:

a)     The positive outcomes, the low and improving anti-social behaviour (ASB) levels in the square mile and the opportunity to sustain and improve on this. 

b)     Officers will work with the Comms Team to ensure data and results are shared, particularly the proactive work around cycle squads, noting that it is difficult to measure preventative work.

c)     A working group is in place to deliver the Victim Strategy and a draft will be produced by the end of this calendar year, for publication at the end of the financial year.  The Chair stressed that this must not slip.    HMIC have highlighted how victims often feel disengaged and this has been raised with the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS).

d)     There had been a modest improvement in workforce diversity but Members would like to see more of a step change, given the geographical location of the City of London Police.   The recent uplift sought to address this, noting the challenges in bringing in a large number of new officers very quickly.  

e)     Neighbourhood crime levels are often driven by theft but the COLP know where to target resources; i.e. – via the  pro-active crime team and cycle squad.  Burglaries and robbery levels are lower and the response rate is good. 

f)      Violence against Women and Girls can be a difficult category to define, as it covers a range of offences but officers will seek to separate this data from other violent crime for the next update.  There was a request for more detail behind the violent crime figures, which are below the national average but stabilising at 20%.   The responses to serious knife assaults have been one of the best nationally and this has sent a strong message.

g)     Volume crime reduction is a focus across all forces.  This is being aligned with specialist operations and closer working with CID, which is being led by the new Detective Chief Superintendent. 

h)     A Member hoped to see a complete victim satisfaction survey at the next meeting noting this was subject to timing of the survey.

i)       The Walk and Talk initiative has been well received and will be promoted again in September, as the darker nights draw in.

j)       The performance framework is being developed further through improving internal governance.

k)     The Home Secretary’s announcement to pursue all reasonable lines of enquiry in respect of thefts was noted.  The Chair asked if the Committee could do anything to assist and if there are any joint initiatives with the Metropolitan Police.Theft prevention will need further conversations with service providers; i.e. rendering mobile phones useless once they have been stolen.

l)       The Force will need a happy and healthy workforce to achieve these ambitions and some concern was expressed at the response to the staff survey.  The force has taken a mature and transparent approach, with a  new Wellbeing Board and lead officer, and provided all staff with fitness  trackers.    The survey software allows detailed, targeted and anonymous data  to be produced.  The majority of negative comments were from teams undergoing change and the recent pay increase had not been implemented at the time of the survey. 

RESOLVED, That – the report be noted.


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