Agenda item

Cyclist/ e-scooters- Update on City of London Police response

Report of the Commissioner.


The Committee received a report of the Commissioner, following a request at the last meeting.  The report would also be submitted to the Police Authority Board on 20th September 2023.


The Chair of the PAB commended a good report and had received positive comments about the cycle squads. Whilst this would be a Chief Officer/Operational Decision, the PAB would receive an update at its next meeting.

During the discussion and questions, the following points were noted:

a)     The definition of ‘positive outcome’ could be clearer and the social media coverage stronger.

b)     The pilot is currently in week 7 and, by week 12, it will include feedback from communities, officers and committees.  Given its success, it is very likely to continue.  The project is currently unfunded, so some posts will need to be re-deployed and made Full Time Establishment if the Squad is to continue, the Chair accepted this would have a funding impact for the Force.

c)     The use of GPS trackers is being looked at but the geography of the City makes it difficult to track individual officers owing to signal difficulties.

d)     A meeting had been scheduled by the Cripplegate Ward Members, to enable them to raise concerns about e-bikes and the various hire companies are engaging.   Any further Member support would be gratefully received and the Safer City Partnership (SCP) are supporting this work.

RESOLVED, that – the report be noted.



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