Agenda item

Neighbourhood Policing Strategy

Report of the Commissioner.


The Committee received a report of the Commissioner, following the request from the HMICFRS PEEL inspection.  Members noted that the Strategy is currently in draft and the CoLP has sought feedback from stakeholders, including HMICFRS, which will be incorporated into the final version. It was noted that the report referenced that the final Strategy would be submitted to Police Authority Board in September, however, Members felt this might be premature and suggested further consultation be undertaken. It was noted that having a final Strategy was a recommendation from the HMICFRS PEEL inspection so the Force did not want to delay it for too long.


During the discussion, the following points were noted:


a)     Recently improved data showed the impact on officer hours and budgets. Members asked for more context and separation in respect of Destination City/weekend crime/the night-time economy and the impact on police resources.


b)     The format of the Strategy is a little generic but it is in line with national best practice, as prescribed by the College of Policing.  There will be a delivery group, chaired by a Superintendent, and a clear performance framework around neighbourhood engagement and improvements.  The delivery plan will be shared with this Committee and PAB.


c)     A Ward Member had noticed some disconnect between the senior and lower graded officers and low participation in surveys can be indicative of low expectation of outcomes.   Portsoken is very different to other wards in the City, as there are pockets of poverty and groups without English as their first language.  There are a number of new officers (currently10 – 15%) and their induction will include neighbourhood policing and working with Designated Ward Officers (DWOs).    Improvements to survey software are also underway.


d)     Whilst this is a Police strategy, as prescribed by HMIC, the delivery will be a partnership responsibility, via the Prevention Partnership Hub.  Its presentation to the PAB can be slightly delayed, to give more quality assurance on feedback. 


e)     During an average 12 month period, there are some 17,000 calls, with 7,000 criminalised.  Operation Luscombe, Mental Health Services and the SCP are helping to understand this data, which will be the subject of a future report to the PAB.


f)      If the report is intended for a public audience, then it might benefit from a different presentation style.  It will be a 3-Year Strategy, which will be reviewed annually, enabling  community feedback to shape and strengthen it, thereby promoting trust and confidence. 


g)     Communities exist across the whole City and are not just place based, so there might be a better fit between wards and clusters.  The ‘City Belonging’ Project might provide a helpful interface.


h)     Could future iterations include a sense check with the Business Community, whilst avoiding overlap and duplication of effort with the various other forums and clusters. 


In concluding, the Chair asked to meet with the relevant chairs ahead of the next C&D Scrutiny to discuss the above comments and suggestions.


RESOLVED, that – the report be noted.





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