Agenda item

HMICFRS Deep Dive - Force areas 'Requiring Improvement'

Report of the Commissioner.


The Committee received a report of the Commissioner, which provided an overview of progress on areas for improvement. Members noted that a number of actions had been implemented, or were in progress, and good practice by other Forces was also being identified in key areas.


During the discussion and questions, the following points were noted:


a)     There are some quick wins re software and structural changes but some will take longer.

b)     There is a large area of focus on workforce corruption, locally and nationally, which is very relevant to the work of the Professional Standards and Integrity Committee.

c)     HMIC are very engaged and the Force are being very transparent.  The next meeting of the Committee will see progress on the  improvement plan.   Officers were asked to contact the relevant Chairs in respect of any areas where the Corporation can assist further.

d)     The Chair offered to write to the Home Secretary setting out concerns about the intensive inspection regime, and the perceived political agenda behind this, given the considerable pressures on Police Forces, particularly for a small one like the COLP. 

e)     Key milestones have been set for monitoring progress.  There will be a full review of each outstanding action at next month’s Operational Improvement Board, and a new Superintendent is leading the operational work.  The September Board will seek to close historic actions by February 2024 but, if this is not possible, the PAB might be asked to look at resourcing implications.

f)      The ongoing work with the Probation Lead at Hackney will be reported to the Crime and Disorder Scrutiny Committee.

At 12.55, Members agreed to extend meeting to conclude the business on the agenda.


RESOLVED, that – the report be noted.



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