Agenda item

Updates from Sub Committees, Allocated Members to the Various Housing Estates and Portfolio Holders

The relevant Chairs, Portfolio Holders and Allocated Members to be heard.


Vacancy on the Safeguarding Sub Committee

RESOLVED, That – being the only Member expressing a willingness to serve, Eamonn Mullalley be appointed to the Safeguarding Sub Committee for the year ensuing. 


Vacancies on the Housing Management and Almshouses Sub Committee

Members noted that there was one standing vacancy for this Sub Committee, which had been advertised to the wider court and received three expressions of interest, and another following a resignation earlier this week.  It was suggested that the three members expressing an interest be allowed to join today.  However, Members noted the recent amendments to Standing Orders, whereby the Memberships of Sub Committees should only be extended in exceptional circumstances.  Therefore, the Chair suggested, and Members agreed, that the latter vacancy should be filled once all Members of CCS had been given a chance to apply, given that some Members had submitted apologies today and might not be aware of this further vacancy.  Furthermore, all three candidates were Members of the wider Court and not CCS Members.   The Town Clerk agreed to write to all Members of CCS after the meeting, calling for nominations within the next 14 days.  In the absence of any expressions of interest, the vacancy would, once again, be  opened up again to the whole Court.


Following a ballot whereby Eamonn Mullalley received 5 votes, Mark Wheatley received 2 votes and Alderwoman Susan Pearson received 8 votes, it was RESOLVED, that – Alderwoman Susan Pearson be appointed to the Housing Management and Almshouses Sub Committee for the year ensuing. 


Updates from the Allocated Members

Deputy John Fletcher had provided a written update for Members in respect of outstanding items on Middlesex Street and asked officers to keep him appraised of progress.  Members noted that, at a recent resident association meeting, there was strong resistance to the installation of sprinklers in the tower blocks,  due to residents’ concerns about  legacy  issues with the City Corporation’s various major projects. 



Ceri Wilkins reported on various issues on the Golden Lane Estate in respect of repairs and maintenance, and the lack of CCTV, porters, cleaners and gardeners.  However, a Ward Meeting had been scheduled for the following day when these matters would be considered further.   The Allocated Member thanked officers for responding to a query about the Pets Policy, outside of this meeting.  Members also noted the appointment of a new Estate Officer at the Windsor Estate, as the Golden Lane Estate Officer had been covering both positions.


The Head of Major Projects advised that there would be a number of stakeholder events over the next few weeks in respect of visits to the refurbished flat on the Golden Lane Estate.  Members noted that the work was of a very high standard. 


Young People

Florence Keelson-Anfu had  recently attended the Trustee Board and AGM for ‘Partnership for Young London’ where the annual budget and strategy had been agreed.   Florence had agreed to support them with an apprenticeship and approach the City of London Corporation’s HR Department, noting that the City Corporation are looking to ringfence apprenticeships to care leavers.     The Chair, Deputy Chair and Florence would be attending the Children in Care Council (CICC) Awards Ceremony for Care Leavers at the Guildhall. 


Sydenham Hill

The Chair advised that the asbestos issues were being resolved and was pleased to report on improved relationships with residents.  There were some issues with vibrations and surveys were underway to seek a resolution.


Integrated Commissioning Board (ICB)

The Deputy Chair advised that the last meeting had considered winter planning, in light of the recent increase in Covid and respiratory infections.   Members noted the importance of the work of the voluntary sector, pre and post hospital admissions, and detailed plans had been submitted to the Better Care Fund to ensure sustainable investments.  The ICB also alternates business meetings with development sessions, with a development session scheduled for the following week.  


Homelessness and Rough Sleeping

The last meeting had received a presentation from Home Connections, who had taken over Streetlink, and received some valuable feedback from Members.  The Sub Committee’s Terms of Reference and the new Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy also appear on this agenda.  Members noted that the Assessment Centre is expected to complete at the end of December 2023, a number of businesses across the square mile had pledged support and meetings were being arranged with officers.





The Chair provided an update on care leavers receiving a TfL subsidy and support with Council Tax payments, which would be the subject of a report to the next Safeguarding Sub Committee and the next meeting of this Committee, for approval.  Work was underway in respect of the new CQC Framework to ensure that the City Corporation is in a good place for the forthcoming inspection. The Deputy Chair had also attended a National Webinar on this matter.   Members were reminded of the Corporate Parenting Hybrid session scheduled for 14th November and encouraged to attend or dial in. 


Housing Sub

The Chair welcomed Pam Wharf, the new Interim Director of Housing and noted the number of Housing reports on this agenda, which evidenced the high volume of work underway to resolve legacy issues on both the City and out-of-City Estates.  Work was also underway in respect of enhancing governance across the Housing Revenue Account and the implementation of a separate Housing Committee.  Members noted that, whilst the recent tenants satisfaction survey had indicated that a lot of work was still required in respect of repairs and maintenance, there had been some improvements in respect of major works.