Agenda item

Barbican Estate Major Works Five-Year Asset Management Programme

Report of the Executive Director of Community and Children's Services.


The Committee received a report of the Executive Director, Community and Children’s Services in respect of the projects proposed for years 1-5 of the Barbican Estate Major Works Programme.


The Chair stressed the importance of the Corporation’s approach to the Barbican as whole; i.e. - the Climate Action Strategy,  historic data, the need for more intrusive and comprehensive surveys, combining projects to achieve economies of scale and working with the Barbican Centre on their long-term strategy.  The Assistant Director had noted the challenge to the final costing, which would be clarified after the various surveys and as the projects develop. 

Members then noted the following resolution from the RCC and it was RESOLVED, that – the following be noted and agreed.

The RCC is concerned that there are many outstanding comments and questions still to be answered about the Major Works Five-Year Asset Management Programme before work should begin, as set out in the minutes of the RCC meeting of 4th September 2023. The immediate concern is the appropriate governance of such a high cost, complex and inherently risky programme which requires resource with the capability and capacity to deliver the programme successfully. The RCC is therefore calling for preliminary work to be undertaken, involving resident nominees, to establish a formal Programme Board of stakeholders; terms of reference; authority framework, programme/project management methodology etc, taking expert advice as necessary, before any other work on the programme begins.


RESOLVED, that – the report be noted.


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