Agenda item

Healthwatch City of London Progress Report

Report of the Chair, Healthwatch City of London.


The Board received a report of the Chair of Healthwatch, City of London, concerning the progress against contractual targets and the work of Healthwatch City of London (HWCoL) with reference to Quarter 2 2023/24.


A Member enquired on the progress of signing the new contract with Healthwatch, the deadline being April 2024. The Board heard that Healthwatch had been extended for another year, at which point options would be appraised for future healthwatch providers. The Board agreed that it did not want to lose Healthwatch.


The Board heard that the overprescribing at the Portman Pharmacy was an unusual case. The Board heard that there had been new management at the pharmacy, and the system had been duplicating prescriptions. The incident had been resolved.


The Board heard from the representative of Healthwatch that resident engagement was difficult. For example, focus groups often had little resident attendance. Residents were encouraged to attend Healthwatch Board meetings as these were held in public. Resident engagement was often held via neighbourhood forums, but there were issues with access (such as time of day and location). There was a wish for wider integration and a move away traditional engagement models, but there were few innovative models for resident engagement.


A Member of the Board noted the good feedback for the London Ambulance Service. The representative of Healthwatch noted that responses were quick for urgent medical emergencies, especially those in public places, but there were issues with slower response for non-life-threatening medical emergences in private (such as residential) areas.


The Board heard that no funding had been provided to Hackney CVS. There was potential for a joint bid for grant funding, but this would be to develop the volunteer sector.


The Board thanked Healthwatch for the report, and especially thanked and recognised the work undertaken by the Chair of Healthwatch.


RESOLVED – That the report be received and its contents noted.  

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