Agenda item

Love the Square Mile - Update

Report of the Director of the Built Environment.


Consideration was given to a report of the Director of the Built Environment regarding the Love Clean Streets application.


The Assistant Director informed Members that the Love the Square Mile scheme had been a huge success.  The next stage of the project was to integrate the mobile phone reporting app with the Enterprise contract to ensure there was a streamlined approach to tackling issues.


A discussion took place around Fixed Penalty Notices (“FPNs”) and whether or not a right of appeal was available to individuals who wished to challenge the issuing of notices.  The Comptroller and City Solicitor informed the Committee that there was no statutory right of appeal and that it would be for the City Corporation to prosecute any individual who refused to pay the FPN. It would then be for the Magistrates’ Court to determine whether or not the FPN had been properly issued. This process was followed by all local authorities.  However, there was nothing to prevent individuals making representations to the City Corporation and the Corporation had discretion to cancel a FPN if it was accepted that the individual had a legitimate explanation as to why waste was placed for collection outside the permitted time bands.  It was confirmed that the paper notice issued included a helpline contact telephone number.



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