Agenda item

Creechurch Lane Area Improvements (City Cluster programme)

Report of the Interim Executive Director, Environment.


The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Interim Executive Director, Environment concerning proposed public realm and highway improvements to the Creechurch Lane, Mitre Street and Bury Street area.


RESOLVED – That Members of the Sub-Committee

1.         Approve the initiation of this project;

2.         Approve the budget of £75,000 (staff costs and fees) for the project to reach the next Gateway 3/4, funded from the Section 106 agreement of 40 Leadenhall Street development;

3.         Note the total estimated cost of the project at £500,000-£780,000 (excluding risk); and

4.         Authorise officers to prepare and agree a funding letter to receive the external funding contribution from the EC Business Improvement District.

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