Agenda item

22 Bishopsgate Public Realm Project

Report of the Interim Executive Director, Environment.


The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Interim Executive Director, Environment concerning the proposal to deliver new and improved public realm in Bishopsgate, Crosby Square, Great St Helen’s and Undershaft under the Section 278 and Section 106 agreements associated with the development at 22 Bishopsgate.


Following a Member’s comment about wind levels when exiting from Horizon 22, and asking about possible mitigation, Officers stated they would raise this with Planning Officers and report back to Members.


In response to a Member’s concern that trees had been planted but one was not looking healthy, and others having been removed and not replaced, an Officer stated that under planning conditions, the trees would be replaced. He would enquire as to the species being proposed and report back to the Member. The Officer stated that the trees that had previously been planted, had been planted by the developer with TfL approval but against Officer recommendations. He further stated that the trees planted by the City in the public realm had a very high success rate.


RESOLVED - That the Sub-Committee

1.         Note the delay to the completion of the S278 works associated with 22 Bishopsgate;

2.         Note the 6-8 Bishopsgate S278 contribution of £105,000 towards the increased cost of the 22 Bishopsgate public realm project;

3.         Approve an increase to the 22 Bishopsgate public realm project budget of £105,000 to complete the project implementation in Undershaft and note the revised total estimated project cost at £1,400,500; and

4.        Approve the budget adjustment related to staff and works costs to be actioned as outlined in Table 2 Appendix 4 of the Officer report.


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