Agenda item

Government consultations on permitted development and planning reforms*

Report of the Interim Executive Director, Environment.


The Committee received a report of the of the Interim Executive Director, Environment regarding a summary of government consultations on proposed new permitted development rights and planning reforms and set out the responses being made.


A Member enquired about the process of submitting responses on government consultations. An Officer explained that the proposed submission was sent to Members a week before it was published for comments. This was an established process which had been carried out previously in other government consultations. Given the timings of the consultations and their deadlines, Officers were unable to submit this to Committee for a discussion, however this had been agreed and covered under delegated powers and Members had been provided with an opportunity for comment.


RESOLVED – That Members note the proposed changes to the planning system, the new permitted development rights; and the consultation responses being made to the Government, as outlined in Appendix 1 of the Officer report.


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