Agenda item

London Councils London Parking and Traffic Enforcement Penalty Charges Consultation

Report of the Interim Executive Director, Environment.


The Committee considered a report of the Interim Executive Director, Environment regarding the London Councils’ London Parking and Traffic Enforcement Penalty Charges Consultation.


An Officer explained that London Councils were consulting on whether it was appropriate to increase the penalty charge notice on the City of London’s streets in line with the TfL controlled streets so that there was a consistent approach to fining. Officers recommended that the Committee agree this and support that alignment and respond to London Councils accordingly.


The Chair asked if this still required Central Government’s agreement even if there was unanimity across London. An Officer explained that this still required approval by the Department for Transport.


RESOLVED – That Members approve the proposed response to the consultation on proposed changes to the London Parking and Traffic Enforcement Penalty Charges, set out in paragraph 29 a – h of the Officer report.


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