Agenda item

Minutes of meeting of 22 June 2023

To approve the minutes of the meeting of 22 June 2023.


On taxicards (referenced at item 8 of those minutes), a Member commented that an update had been received and that the taxicard scheme did not appear to be working well, asking whether there was scope to improve its operation and the lack of access from black cabs to the St Paul’s area was impacting on the scheme’s operation. The meeting heard that these issues would be examined during further discussions on the operation of the scheme.


RESOLVED, That the minutes of the meeting of 22 June 2023 be approved as a correct record of the proceedings subject to the following amendment: in this sentence under item 6 “The Deputy Chairman was duly appointed as the representative, with Michael Hudson appointed to serve as a seconder”, the word ‘seconder’ to be replaced by the word ‘alternate’.  


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