Agenda item

Gresham Almshouses Update

Report of the Director of Community & Children’s Services.


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Community & Children’s Services which provided an update on the Gresham Almshouses.


Members were informed that a further round of recruitment for the gardener position would take place following a previously unsuccessful round. The Officer stated that there had been liaison with the police following anti-social behaviour issues in the area and the police had increased patrols. She stated that there were delays in obtaining permission for the CCTV installation as the building was listed. Members were informed that there were currently no void properties.


The Officer stated that a summer picnic had been held at the almshouses and residents from other sheltered schemes across the City had been invited. She stated that the Members’ Christmas visit to the almshouses would take place on 8 December 2023.


RESOLVED: That the Committee note the report.


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