Agenda item

Options for the future operation of Keats Community Library from Ten Keats Grove


The Committee consulted on options for the future operation of Keats Community Library from Ten Keats Grove.

Referencing sections 14 and 15 of the report submitted under item 5, the meeting noted that a licence was issued to 31 March 2024.

The meeting noted that Keats Community Library (KCL) has long requested a longer licence duration for surety and to support fundraising.

The following points were made:

-        A licence agreement is in place but supporting documents have not been provided (comfort letter that the licence will be renewed, and a statement of intention to pursue a longer-term licence);

-        It is currently problematic to seek fundraising and investment for KCL in the current circumstances given the uncertainty;

-        The CoLC Comptroller has declined to provide a comfort letter because such a letter would prejudice any future agreement;

-        The main obstacle to finalising any agreement is dual use of the building: only one large space is suitable for some events and hires, and that space is used for the children’s library;

-        The movement of books and equipment to facilitate both uses is impractical and labour-intensive (though doable) due to having to clear the room – that arrangement has been in place for a decade;  

-        The income target for the space is £19K;

-        CoLC members are obliged to act in the best interests of the KH charity (these should include community and cultural benefits as well as financial considerations);

-        One option is to hand over unlimited use of the space to KCL for approximately £19K (the income target) with some recourse for larger events;

-        The room is currently under-used partly because the CoLC is unable to invest in dedicated resources to hire out the space due to restrictions on the space’s use;

-        The KCL children’s library cannot operate without the use of the room.


Members suggested that an onsite briefing take place.  


Members suggested that a paper setting out the options be submitted to the CHL Committee meeting of January 2024, the aim being to reach an agreement that is acceptable to all parties.