Agenda item

Project Management Implementation Update

Report of the Chief Operating Officer.


The committee received a report of the Chief Operating Officer concerning implementation of revised project management practices. 


The Chairman advised the committee that he expected the new portfolio approach to be implemented and embedded by the new civic year and for the gateway process of the current project management process to have been revised. The Chairman further explained that it was important to note that the new approach would: recognise the primacy of service committees in managing projects; recognise the role of the Projects and Procurement Sub Committee is ensuring oversight of strategic decisions and risks, and the performance of the portfolio of projects; the proposed timeline for the implementation of these revised processes; and the need for increased delegated authorities to officers being contingent on the successful implementation and performance of the new project management processes. 


In response to questions, officers confirmed that projects would no longer be solely capital funded but also revenue funded and that the introduction of Transformation and Commercial Opportunities Groups would support these changes. The committee discussed the opportunities for transformation and commercial projects, including the Lord Mayor’s Show, at which point the Chairman advised the committee that he was Chairman of Lord Mayor’s Show Limited. 


The committee discussed the eventual replacement of project management software, the criteria by which projects were classified as at risk, the introduction of a Members’ group to develop the project management arrangements, and the need for officers and Members to support the new arrangements.


The committee noted the revised staffing structure for teams which would support project management, the integration of project governance and commercial teams, and the portfolio of projects the Project Management Office was aware of, which officers confirmed was 355. 

The committee noted the public gateway reports which had been shared in a supplement to the committee. 


RESOLVED: To note the updates provided in the report.

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